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Create some paragraphs

Let'd do some paragraphs

    text content of the paragraph

Let's add headings

HTML has H1 to H6 headings. H1 being the highest and H6 the lowest

    Main heading

How to add a break break

In HTML you have to add a tag to do line break. It doesn't happen otherwise


How to make text bold, italized or underlined

It's easy to make the text bold

<strong>Text in bold</strong>
<u>Text in underlined</u>
<em> - Emphasized text </em>

Let's divide the page into sections

We can The div tag for this. Div tag aka Division tag is used divide the content into various sections. It doen't have any visual effect until we add style to it. But it's always a good idea to group the content together. Like a chapter or a lesson etc


Now lets add some links to source of the content. So we are giving credit to it