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How to add images

Images are very easy to include in the the document using img tag. img tag just needs to know where the image is.

<img src="path of the image" />

image tag doesn't need a seaparate closing tag. You can use the / in the opening tag to close it.

src atrribute here needs to be supplied with the path. It can relative or absolute. For example if the image is in the same folder as HTML then just the file name of the image should be enough.

<img src="my_first_image.jpg" />
<img src="" />

How to customize

You can resize the image by using the attributes like width and height. You can use various measurements like

  • px for pixes
  • % for percentage etc

You dont have to give both width and height. You can give only one and the browser will adjust the other one.

You can give alt text for the image. It's used by the screen readers to readout.

What more

  • You can add image inside an HTML link so you can make image as clickable. How to do that? Remember tags can be nested.

  • How to embed an .mp3 audio inside an html document? Try and explore audio tag.